Changing root directory for Inkscape resources

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Changing root directory for Inkscape resources

Postby lisa_m » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:15 pm

Is it possible to change the directory where Inkscape gets the resources that it loads at runtime from programfiles/inkscape/share to a different directory?

For example, I would like to add a new marker to the markers.svg file, and have a group of people be able to use that marker automatically, instead of having everyone manually replace the markers.svg file each time there is a change made to the file.

Any ideas and advice are appreciated.

Thank you!

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Re: Changing root directory for Inkscape resources

Postby brynn » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:33 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

When you say "a group of people" do you mean people on the same network? Or do you mean different users of the same computer? If it's different users of the same computer, you might be able to install Inkscape so that everyone can use it. Although I'm not positive about that.

If you mean like on a network....hhmmm....I don't think you could move the shares folder outside of the Inkscape directory, and still be able to access it. To my knowledge, usually folders or parts of programs should remain entirely within that program's folder. Although again, I could be wrong. I do struggle to understand "runtime environment". I think it would be better to have Inkscape installed so that everyone uses the same program, rather than everyone having their own copy (than to move shares folder). Although I'm not sure if Inkscape could support multiple users. I know that if I have more than 6 or 7 documents open at the same time, Inkscape is prone to crash. Especially if they are large files.

I'm thinking the answer is probably 'no'. But let more knowledgeable members than me weigh in on this question, before you make any changes :D

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Re: Changing root directory for Inkscape resources

Postby lisa_m » Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:20 pm

Thank you for the reply.

In my original post, I meant different users on a network, not on the same computer.

Having everyone use the same install (keeping the install on a drive that everyone can access) is interesting, but I feel that we don't make enough changes to the share folders to make it worth the extra trouble.

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Re: Changing root directory for Inkscape resources

Postby Jelle » Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:24 pm

You cannot easily move the folder as that would involve possibly creating your own fork of Inkscape.

However there are three ways to solve your problem.

- You can share the folder on the network so people can connect to it and copy and paste your markers file

- You can copy the file to a shared network resource (filespace on server) where people can copy and paste it manually

- You can ask you admin to write a script that will do the second option automatically by central distribution, if you are the only maintainer of marker files. Mind though that you'd have to be the only person that makes markers or someone might get upset.

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