Why does the grid leave stripes?

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Why does the grid leave stripes?

Postby Louise » Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:31 am

Hi All =)

Can someone tell me, why I get stripes, when I disable the grid?

006.png (58.56 KiB) Viewed 1630 times

I would have expected that there wouldn't be any space between.

The svg is here.

3 lives.svg
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Re: Why does the grid leave stripes?

Postby brynn » Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:16 pm

Hi Louise,
That's unrelated to the grid. It's related to how Inkscape achieves such crisp, clear lines, a feature called anti-aliasing. However it's not a configurable feature. There may be a few different ways to get rid of those lines.

1 - Add strokes to the rectangles, the same color as the fills. This would be the best approach if you need to retain the individual squares.
2 - Select all the squares, and do Path menu > Union. This will result in a solid object, so not the best approach if you need to retain the individual squares.
3 - Use the Stitch filter (not found in Inkscape) viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9034&p=33279&hilit=stitch#p32882
4 - Make the squares slightly larger.
5 - Do #2, and put the result behind the individual squares.

And there may yet be another approach, depending on your goals for the resulting image. Let us know if you need a different solution, and especially the reasons why (so we figure out something that will work).

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Re: Why does the grid leave stripes?

Postby Louise » Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:30 pm

Hi Brynn

Thanks a lot for clearing that out =)

I used option 2.


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Re: Why does the grid leave stripes?

Postby druban » Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:41 am

Union does solve the problem but is a terrible workaround for most people since all the path data is lost. To anyone else looking for a solution to this problem, please try path>combine instead! All the data is preserved and if the original objects had the same fill then NO information is lost, the original paths are simply turned into subpaths, filesize is not affected, and the process can be reversed even after saving.
This illustrates the effect when half the heart has been combined into one path with many subpaths. The rectangles will unfortunately be converted to paths so some editabilty actually is lost.
g268.png (9.84 KiB) Viewed 1561 times

I should also point out that the stitch filter mentoned above is great except for any objects with transparency because it is also completely removable.
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