printed text isn't sharp and crisp

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Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:21 am

printed text isn't sharp and crisp

Postby takayuki » Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:00 pm


newbie here. i made a flyer, saved it as flyer.svg, then printed. but the text and graphics were a bit fuzzy, not sharp and crisp like vector graphics should be. the blacks were a tad grayish.

i checked my cups settings, changed the Printout Mode to "High Quality", the printed again. Better, but not great.

Then I checked the bitmap checkbox in the print dialogue box and printed at 600dpi. It was better still, but at close inspection i noticed each letter had a tiny gray drop shadow effect that I did not add. it was like I'd duplicated the text, changed the copy to gray, pushed it down one level then moved it one pixel down and right.

oddly, only the black text was like this. any blue or red text printed normally.

i have an HP1210 all in one printer.

what did I do wrong?

how do I get sharp, crisp prints via inkscape?

thanks for any advice.


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