Personal Inkscape Instruction from Dream Studio

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Personal Inkscape Instruction from Dream Studio

Postby dickmacinnis » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:52 pm

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I'm offering personal instruction on many of the apps included with Dream Studio, including Inkscape. For details on how it works, and which subjects I currently offer instruction on, check out this link:


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Re: Personal Inkscape Instruction from Dream Studio

Postby Inkspots » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:00 am

I've been browsing your website.
Very interesting so far...It looks like a new Linux distro.
hmm....let's see, default apps include blender, Inkscape, Cinelara. Not bad.
(I wanted to try Ubuntu studio at one point, but couldnt get it to run on my machine.)
Of course, I love my current distro, and I would be loathe to change, but who knows, it might be worth a closer look.
Good luck with your project.

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