Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

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Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

Postby jim_art » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:37 am

Hey I am having a bit of a frustrating time, admitting to being a newbie with the computer design stuff.

I have designed a logo/letterhead, envelop, invoice and a few other office documents in Inkscape (the only SVG program I have right now.) I am happy with the design and so is the client. I could just have it all printed, but that is not how he wants to do it if possible. He runs a small by volume but fairly large by amount billed consulting firm. So he really does not want to print a lot of letterhead, invoices and misc documents. He would only like to print the business cards (maybe envelops.) What he would like is for me to set up the documents as editable Word documents, so that he can have typed letters and filled in invoices printed from his own office printer.

I am not sure how to go about doing this. I am not even really sure from the options on Inkscape what is the best option to save the document as. I saved it as a PNG at one point and it came out smaller than the page of Word, eventhough I had the settings for page size correct (I think I may have had the dpi set to low.) I am also not sure what to do when I get it over to Microsoft Word to make the letterhead not editable, but have them be able to type on the letterhead or other documents.

Not sure if this question is making sense, but if you can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


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Re: Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

Postby Kjohrf » Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:54 am

Inkscape is a vector graphics editor. Word is not. So you can't really make something in Inkscape and have it be editable in Word. Best to work out all deliverable formats and requirements before starting projects. PNG format should be fine, but again, not editable in Word.

As to the DPI, not sure what Word expects, but try exported it at 300 DPI. You want it that high for any eventual printing anyway.

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Re: Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

Postby jim_art » Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:14 pm

Thanks for the help.

I am not really trying to make the work from inkscape editable in Word, in fact I am trying to set it in as the template and have it not be editable. I am trying to allow them to have forms that are they can type over. I have been trying this for a little while and I am able to get the templates to work, but they are just not of the quality I would like. I agree that I would prefer to have all of the requirements for the project set out at the beginning, but this is a very small office that does work for mostly non profits and I am trying to help them as much as possible not have to change their way of doing things. Although that being said to get the quality of work they just may have to change. The office uses mostly microsoft office products and he would really rather not have to print large amounts for forms and letterheads to then turn around and fill in the forms or letterheads to print. They would rather just have the letterheads and forms set up in a template and then be able to type the letters or fill in the forms and send to the office printer. I am going to look into and try Adobe Professional and see that will do what they want.

Any suggestions if this makes more sense would be greatly appreciated. I will try to 300 dpi and see where that takes me on the Word documents, thanks.

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Re: Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

Postby brynn » Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:33 am

I've not tried to use Inkscape-made images in Word. And I'm not terribly familiar with making a letterhead for Word. But if you can't get BMP, PNG, GIF, or JPG into Word, I'm wondering if you could do it with Scribus? Not suggesting your client use Scribus for his needs, but just that it might be useful to get the letterhead into Word. But as an alternative to Word, might work. Also, I think you can create SVG images in OODraw (part of the suite). Although don't quote me on that, lol. Both Scribus and OpenOffice are open source programs (free to both you and client). Also another thought -- MS Works?

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Re: Inkscape and Microsoft Word?

Postby flamingolady » Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:38 am

I just tried it myself and this worked for me - I used the 'insert' function in Word first to bring in my Inkscape logo (which is basically a drawing of a flamingo, a gradient and a word), I used the picture option so I could browse my folders to find my logo. Then I saved it as a template - make sure you save it under the correct root directory - Microsoft files, then templates. When you save a template in Word a menu pops up and be sure to check mark the box for 'template', then it should save automatically to the template file. Then, to use it, click on "new", then choose 'My Templates" from the list that pops up and it should be there. Once you bring it up, the imported Inskcape logo is not editable, which is what you want, so they can type the letter, memo, envelope, etc.
Hope this isn't too late for you to use, or maybe helpful for the next time anyway.

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