Scaling and rotating in Node-Edit-Mode

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Scaling and rotating in Node-Edit-Mode

Postby niabot » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:53 am

I often use Blender and im very used to scale and rotate vertices of meshes and curves. As i draw with inkscape if often need to manipulate different nodes at once. That is exactly the moment when i miss the possibility to scale or rotate nodes around an abitrary point. May it be possible to add a so called 2D-Cursor like in "object mode" while rotating or scaling?

It could also be very usefull to implements something similar to the proportional editing tool from blender. I know that we have the tweak tool, but it usually tends to insert many new nodes, what isn't often to my liking.

* ... _Molehills (A simple tutorial for proportional editing, but it should illustrate what im talking about)

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Re: Scaling and rotating in Node-Edit-Mode

Postby ~suv » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:52 pm

niabot wrote:That is exactly the moment when i miss the possibility to scale or rotate nodes around an abitrary point.

Already possible in earlier versions (and in 0.48) - though it is not arbitrary but limited to nodes in the selected path: In the default selection mode, you can rotate or scale a selection of nodes using the keyboard shortcuts. The reference point for the transformation is changed if the mouse hovers over a node (turns red): the scaling or rotating is based around the highlighted node instead of the center point of the selection.

Added in Inkscape 0.48: the new node tool has two selection modes: if you use the button on the controls bar to toggle on the transformation handles for the selected nodes (as known from the select tool), you can drag the rotation center (if the rotation handles are visible) and it will be used as base point for rotating or scaling the section of nodes.

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Re: Scaling and rotating in Node-Edit-Mode

Postby macti » Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:40 pm

oooh: what a precious feature in 0.48; I haven´t noticed it yet.

niabot: thanks for asking...
suv: thanks for explaining...

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