This is the code for the Esc symbol from Wikipedia. It will not open in Inkscape 0.48 windows 7.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="300" height="300">
<g fill="none" stroke="#000">
<path stroke-width=".3" d="m0,24V0h24m252,0h24v24m0,252v24h-24M0,276v24h24"/>
<path stroke-width="8" d="m120,38a116,116 0 1,1-82,82M52,49l90,21-72,70zM107,106l102,106"/>
Cannot import Esc symbol from Wikipedia
Re: Cannot import Esc symbol from Wikipedia
The stroke width attribute .3, the stroke style's hex code seems invalid to me at first glance.
The stroke width attribute .3, the stroke style's hex code seems invalid to me at first glance.