Trouble Printing to Epilog Zing Cutter

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Trouble Printing to Epilog Zing Cutter

Postby mharris » Thu May 31, 2018 2:10 am

I have no clue where to even begin... And unfortunately the file is deemed too large to attach here.

Usually, I create a file in Inkscape and set all the cut lines to .001". Then I save the file as a .pdf, open in Adobe Reader, and select "Print." In the Print dialog box, I select the Epilog Zing laser cutter as my printer and have the file sent to both the laser cutter and the Epilog Zing print management program. From the print management program I can set my preferences for power and speed, and preview the cut. I've gotten two different error messages today, and have no clue what to do next! (And of course I've already quadruple-checked my line widths.)

1) Adobe Reader gives me an error message that the document failed to print.

2) When I select "Advanced" options in the Print dialog box and select "Print as Image," the print job does go forward to the Epilog Zing print management program, but then when I preview the cut all of the lines have changed to raster rather than vector.

Has anyone experienced this? What have you found to solve the problem?

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Re: Trouble Printing to Epilog Zing Cutter

Postby Moini » Thu May 31, 2018 7:14 am

If you want to share the file and the pdf, use a file hosting service, like dropbox, framadrop, google drive, .... That's going to help us determine what might be the issue (unless someone is a guessing wizard, happens sometimes).
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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Re: Trouble Printing to Epilog Zing Cutter

Postby brynn » Thu May 31, 2018 8:22 am

The only thing I could say, before seeing the file, is to check for things like filters, gradients (with transparency) or other transparency in the file.

With the Selection tool enabled, you can press the Tab key, and select the first object in the file. Then look at the status bar to find out what kind of object it is. And you can also look at either Fill and Stroke dialog, or the Style Indicator area, which is the left side of the status bar, to check for transparency.

And then every time you press Tab, Inkscape selects the next object. So that way, you can cycle though everything in the file, find things which might be transparent (which you might not otherwise be able to see - especially if paths are 0.001 wide!).

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