making indentions in an oval?

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making indentions in an oval?

Postby borracheria » Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:03 pm


I am new to Inkscape, and want to make a simple logo. I'd like to make an ellipse or a rectangle and slightly bow the form a bit, kind of like the "celestial seasonings" logo in the upper-left corner of this website:

I know how to make an ellipse and change the stroke weight, etc, but how to pick and select whether the indentions in the line bow inward or outward?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



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Re: making indentions in an oval?

Postby microUgly » Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:30 pm

It sounds like you need an introduction to Inkscape. I recommend working your way through the Inkscape Guide.

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Re: making indentions in an oval?

Postby prkos » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:58 pm

Convert your object to Path (Path > Object to Path) and use Node tool :tool_node: to edit the nodes, you can move them or use the node handles to make a different curve angle. You'll probably want to add more nodes to the path for more control, you can find the options on the toolbar when Node tool is active.
You can also use the Node tool to click on the path itself (between the nodes) and drag it, the segment will follow the mouse meaning you will be curving it.

You might want to look into the Bezier tool :tool_pen: where you draw the nodes yourself one by one.

You can also play with the calligraphy tool :tool_calligraphic: study the options and use a setting thats easy to use with a mouse (use Mass option), with it you can very easily draw those cream curvy edges in the logo you mentioned.

To make the logo symmetrical you can draw using a grid, or you can draw one corner or part of the logo and them duplicate it, flip and combine...

Use the guide microUgly linked to its excellent ;)
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Re: making indentions in an oval?

Postby borracheria » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:39 am

Thanks for your assistance. The help guide you linked to is very well done, easy to use. I have only been using inkscape for 3 days, but already I feel its useful and a fun application. I will work my way through it now, since it is Summer vacation!

mil gracias!


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Jesus, ellipses are not ovals, for gods sake... :-(

Postby nitrofurano » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:27 am

Please guys, never name ellipses as oval, it's the same as naming a square as triangle...
Ellipse is a a circle with different aspect ratio than 1.0, and oval is made from 4 circle arcs... these are two hugelly different things...

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Re: Jesus, ellipses are not ovals, for gods sake... :-(

Postby microUgly » Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:17 pm

nitrofurano wrote:Please guys, never name ellipses as oval, it's the same as naming a square as triangle...
Ellipse is a a circle with different aspect ratio than 1.0, and oval is made from 4 circle arcs... these are two hugelly different things...

Wow! I've met spelling and grammar Nazi's but you're the first geometry Nazi I've ever met :) (You spelt 'hugely' wrong).

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