Font replacing when font is available (windows)

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Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby jazminstewart » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:38 pm


I've the following issue, I guess it's not a bug, so I'm asking here.

I open an AI file. It uses Myriad Pro font, which is installed in the system and working.

When I open the file, the PDF converter shows up, and when I go forward it converts all text to Sans.

It's quite interesting that when I select text, dropdown the font list, and select Myriad Pro, the text changes to it. So the font is understood by Inkscape.

Does it mean that I need to manually install the font in "Inkscape\etc\fonts\conf.avail\.." or is there other way for Inkscape not to replace the font when it's available?


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Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby Pureon » Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:31 pm

Hi Jazmin. A few questions:

Was the AI file created in Inkscape?
What version of Inkscape are you using?
What operating system?

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Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby jazminstewart » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:58 pm


File was created with AI CS3, then opened in Inkscape 47pre3 (v46 has some font rendering issues, and in fact, had the same behaviour)

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Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby Pureon » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:05 am

Sounds like a compatibility issue between Illustrator and Inkscape or the fonts themselves. I use Illustrator CS3, and when opening files in Inkscape some things do change - It's not Inkscape, it's Adobe not following rules.

You might need to outline your fonts before opening the file in Inkscape.

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Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby tomh » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:09 am

Pureon wrote:Sounds like a compatibility issue between Illustrator and Inkscape or the fonts themselves. I use Illustrator CS3, and when opening files in Inkscape some things do change - It's not Inkscape, it's Adobe not following rules.

You might need to outline your fonts before opening the file in Inkscape.

Actually, I doubt this is the case. .ai files are basically pdf's and Inkscape uses the same methods to import both. The reason for the discrepancy is that when a program is embedding a font into a PDF, it often has to change the name of the font (eg no spaces). The 0.46 version of Inkscape didn't have a way of telling if e.g."TImesNewRoman" was the same font as "Times New Roman", so it went for the default font "serif".

In the 0.47pre (pre-release) there is an option in the import dialogue to "replace PDF fonts with the closest-named installed fonts" which most of the time gives the desired result. I think it should be the same for adobe illustrator files.

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Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby jazminstewart » Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:41 am

Well, thanks for replying but it doesn't work opening AI, or the AI saved as PDF.

I can workaround by selecting text and the right font. So it's not a matter of life or death.

But it's good to report these things.


Re: Font replacing when font is available (windows)

Postby toby » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:39 pm


I'm experiencing exactly the same font issue for import of pdf files generated via a a pdf virtual pdf printer driver (-> Ghostscript 8.64) on Windows.

Acrobat reports an embedded subset of "Tahoma" for the pdf file, Tahoma is installed on my system (winXPpro64) and accessible by Inkscape (official Win 0.47), but pdf import sets all fonts to "Sans", no matter which settings I use during import.
Since the font name "Tahoma" doesn't allow much variations in terms of spelling, I'm assuming a bug in Inkscape 0.47 (on Windows).
Maybe I'd better check one of the latest nightly builds. We'll see ....


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