Red Bull Parody: Blue Bull!

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Red Bull Parody: Blue Bull!

Postby theinkscaper » Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:38 pm

Hi all, this is my first post on this forum :) Been using inkscape to design t-shirts for my small t-shirt company, but that's besides the point, just yesterday I used inkscape to make a fun little parody of the Red Bull logo, let me know what you think!


Also, does anyone know where I could find neat parody work like this one? Any links? Thanks!!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: Red Bull Parody: Blue Bull!

Postby brynn » Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:20 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Nice! Unless there's some symbolism to the blue, that I'm missing (due to having aged out of popular/modern culture, lol) I think it would be effective (not sure about profitable :P ) to have any color but red. i.e. green, yellow, etc. And fortunately, being a vector editor, it's so easy to change the color quickly OH! Or maybe parody the bull, as opposed to the color. For some reason, when I looked at the blue text, I thought it said Blue Bell. Would it still be a parody, if you did Red Bell?

I don't know any way to find other artists' parodies, but you could google something like "parody" and "images". If there are other artists who pride themselves on parody, maybe they've tagged their images on gallery sites, like deviantART or flickr. Or if you want vector only, try Open Clipart Library.

(Slightly OT - I've always been fascinated with those bull images. I don't think there's any bull in the world with horns that grow straight forward out of the top of their head, like in that....trademark, I guess, or logo. Some bulls' horns grow/point straight out to the side, and some start out that way, and curve around forwards. But I'd guess that literally none are like in the Red Bull image! And that's not to mention standing upright on 2 legs, lol. But I guess it's not uncommon for advertisers not to "check their facts" before putting out an ad. I remember a TV commercial a while ago, for toilet paper that was advertised as "quilted". They had a bunch of cartoon ladies sitting around knitting, lol, having a "knitting bee" I suppose!)

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Re: Red Bull Parody: Blue Bull!

Postby theinkscaper » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:18 am

Thanks for the feedback! ...I did notice the strange anatomy of the 'bull' when i was constructing my standing bull... but i wanted to match the red bull one as closely as possible. The only reason i used "blue bull" is because you can conveniently get the b, l, u, and e from "Red Bull" (the font is not free unfortunately, and i'm not sure of a way to craft the letters to make different words )

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Re: Red Bull Parody: Blue Bull!

Postby Lazur » Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:20 pm

The net is full of this stuff. It's lot more easier to mimmick a brand style than to come up with a good new branding.

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