Copy to clipboard in windows

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Copy to clipboard in windows

Postby kumarb » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:50 am

If it is possible to create an extended meta file (emf), should it not be possible to copy a drawing to the clipboard to enable transfer of an image to Word or Powerpoint? Is this possible as an extension?

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Re: Copy to clipboard in windows

Postby microUgly » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:34 pm

You can save as EMF. You cannot copy and paste into any Office documents.

I'm not a programmer, but I would think for this to work, the source application (i.e. Inkscape) would need to know what the destination application will be at the time of pasting to appropriately format the information. I don't that this is the way the clipboard works in an OS. I would think for this to work, Office would need to know how to handle SVGs.

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Re: Copy to clipboard in windows

Postby kumarb » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:38 am

But Visio knows how to handle SVGs. So would that interface work? I have found I can go from Visio to Word so long as I save the copied file as a Visio document first.

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