XIA is an extension used to convert "simple" svg files created with inkscape to html5 resource. Here is the homepage of this project :
Since Inkscape 0.92.2 on Windows, XIA 2.3 is not usable anymore. I work on XIA 2.4 to fix this issue but would like to know if the "fix" is the right way.
What's Wrong ?
XIA is a naughty extension using some python libraries not included in Inkscape for Windows, more precisely, XIA is using TKinter for the UI. The XIA 2.3 installer removes the inkscape/python folder to replace it with a new one with all libraries needed (TKinter, PIL). With Inkscape 0.92.2, python is not hosted in inkscape/python folder and some conflicts with the default installation process make XIA not usable anymore.
And so ?
For XIA 2.4, I cleaned up the installer and it does not modify Inkscape folder anymore. But, TKinter issue is not solved. If I try to open XIA, I catch this exception :
Code: Select all
_tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
{C:/Program Files/lib/tcl8.6} {C:/Program Files/lib/tcl8.6} C:/lib/tcl8.6 {C:/Program Files/library} C:/library C:/tcl8.6.6/library C:/tcl8.6.6/library
This means that TKinter is not found and is expected in some strange places :
- C:/Program Files/lib/tcl8.6
- C:/lib/tcl8.6
- C:/library
The following beta-installer applies the first choice and XIA is now working :
But is it the good idea ? Is there any good practice ?