Windows workaround?

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Windows workaround?

Postby pixeld00d » Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:21 am

Hi... I recently installed version .45. I have a weird windows xp glitch where my /application/data/xxxx directory is readonly... I haven't figured out a decent fix, so I'm trying to work with it as is. So far, most things are ok. Is there a config file where I can change the Inscape location for saving all the preferences etc? I need to specify something other than the default "documents and settings/curt/application data/inkscape"... Appreciate any help!
Curt - new Inkscape user - very impressed too!

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Re: Windows workaround?

Postby DannyKing » Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:48 am

Are you running Windows Vista? If you are, run inkscape as administrator (right click, it's an option... or you can set it permanently in the settings).

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Re: Windows workaround?

Postby pixeld00d » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:06 am

No, running windows xp. For some reason my applications data directory is locked... tried pretty much everything. I'm hoping there's a config-type file that specifies where to save preferences etc. Inkscape runs ok currently, but no user pref's are saved, recent files, etc.

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Re: Windows workaround?

Postby Simarilius » Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:36 am

Am fairly sure its hardcoded, but it shouldnt be too hard a patch to change.

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Re: Windows workaround?

Postby aho » Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:21 pm

Guess not... that application data dir is supposed to be always writable. That's why it's used instead of the program directory for example.

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