snap to end of line

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snap to end of line

Postby Grobe » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:43 am

Hi. I'm trying to making some basic schematics with Inkscape. I think that If I could get two line ends to snap against each other - that would save me much time, because I want to have two lines atached together.

To get two line ends as close as possible, I use to zoom in so both line ends get almost as thick as a finger - and then I can manually put one line end just on top of the other one so it looks like one line that is bended.

Is there a better way to do this?

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Re: snap to end of line

Postby c-quel » Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:36 am

Hello Grobe, :)

Do you enable the Grid while drawing your schematics? With the grid enabled, your Pen Tool :tool_pen: will snap to specific coordinates along the grid, so binding two separate strokes together is very easy this way. By default the ends are not perfectly blended, but if you give the strokes Round or Square Caps (enabled in the Stroke Style tab of the Fill and Stroke properties widget) then this should alleviate the problem.

It should also be noted that you can continue a stroke after its been drawn (just click on the start or end of the stroke with your Pen Tool and draw away), and you can also draw over existing strokes as well (in case you need to backtrack to draw a complicated shape with only a single stroke, such as the letter "T" or "E").

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Re: snap to end of line

Postby RobA » Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:56 am

Turn on snapping? ... pping.html (see "snapping objects")

-Rob A>

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Re: snap to end of line

Postby Grobe » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:36 am

c-quel wrote:By default the ends are not perfectly blended, but if you give the strokes Round or Square Caps (enabled in the Stroke Style tab of the Fill and Stroke properties widget) then this should alleviate the problem.
I got it to look nice using round caps ;)


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