I execute the following command, in order to open an existing .svg file and run an extension on it. (In this case, the extension is called "inkscape-silhouette" and it just sends it to a cutter/plotter.)
Code: Select all
inkscape -f filename.svg --verb=com.github.jnweiger.inskscape-silhouette.noprefs
This works. However it opens the GUI. I know from some reading on this forum that when using verbs, the GUI cannot be suppressed. That's fine. However what is not fine for my application is, I want to run another command immediately after that (for example in a batch file). But it won't run anything else until I have manually closed the Inkscape window. For example if I try to do the same thing twice, once for filename1.svg and once for filename2.svg...
Code: Select all
inkscape -f filename1.svg --verb=com.github.jnweiger.inskscape-silhouette.noprefs && inkscape -f filename2.svg --verb=com.github.jnweiger.inskscape-silhouette.noprefs
...(in other words, I do command1 && command2, so that command2 only executes when command1 has successfully completed), then it won't execute the second command until I have manually closed the window for filename1.svg.
How do I execute an arbitrary number of such calls at arbitrary times, with no user input?