Web to Print service

Post about projects that use Inkscape for web design.
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:23 pm

Web to Print service

Postby EricWarnke » Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:34 pm

Hey everyone, I'm brand new to the forum, I hope I can be of some use :)

I've been working for several months now to find the right tools to create a next generation web2print service. My first focus is on business cards.
I started out with fillable PDFs, which are garbage. Then I manually created HTML forms to mimic designs: garbage. Got closer when I discovered Scribus, but it turned out to be too limiting. I FINALLY found Inkscape and I love it and have been using it for a while now.

The best part about SVG files is that modern browsers properly render them and you can walk the DOM tree through them and pick and choose elements you want to modify.

I'm almost done my first iteration which enables me to embed any SVG file and it will automatically generate a form for a user to edit the text of the SVG file live. It also allows you to convert directly to PDF from the page to whatever file name you want. This will eventually be part of a larger business card printing website I'm working on.

Now, I'm curious, is anyone interested in a software-as-a-service tool that would allow them to create Inkscape templates that they can have their customers easily fill out and then save to PDF? I think there could be a lot of use out of a good service, and I'm already most of the way there :)

I will post a demo link when my development site isn't so vulnerable :) Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!

Posts: 30
Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 12:12 pm

Re: Web to Print service

Postby samigina » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:40 pm

Sounds like a good idea. Hoping for the Demo!

Remember that the Inkscape SVG doesnt render fine if you have paragraph texts, and with some other details. I know browsers render just plain SVG.

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:23 pm

Re: Web to Print service

Postby EricWarnke » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:46 am

I'll make sure to test that. Currently I've just avoided it altogether by splitting the lines using one of the text extensions that comes with Inkscape. I also have been saving as optimized SVGs but more complex ones need to be just plain SVG (not Inkscape format) because of rendering issues.

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