I have a simple svg file that can be converted to a pdf file (--export-pdf etc..). I would like to know if inkscape will alter or even complete ignore javascript when a svg is exported to a pdf file?
will inkscape alter javascript?
Re: will inkscape alter javascript?
I've never tested, but I think it's highly unlikely your JS will be preserved. I think this will be a limitation of both Inkscape and the convertor. You should open your file in Inkscape then save it to what Inkscape will do to your code.
Re: will inkscape alter javascript?
yes i tried it, but it didn't seem to work. But I was wondering if I was missing something. So is there another program that can do javascripting from the commandline? I use scribus, but it lacks easy commandline interfacing and the javascript support is limited for the things i want to do.
Maybe i should look into Tex!?
Maybe i should look into Tex!?
Re: will inkscape alter javascript?
Using a Javascript to access a Java Application after requesting User Permission? How can a JavaScript request permission to install a background executable Java JAR application? This is similar to how to install an ActiveX control. This is my problem: I have a java application that searches for a requested file, but I cannot implement the search in Javascript for security reasons. Is there a way that I can prompt the user to request permission to access their data and install, execute, and retrieve data with my java application?