Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to add/save my own markers. I tired to look in this thread http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=56 but couldn't find an answer to my question. I post here instead however, because it seems like this is the place for my question.
I'm using Inkscape v0.45 and can't find the convert selection to marker menu item (mentioned in above thread), probably since it's not in a released build yet? Could someone point me to either a tutorial on how to add a marker to the markers.svg file (tried copy pasting SVG-xml code for a path I made, but I couldn't quite get it to work), or describe in brief what I need to get a version of inkscape with this selection to marker patch.
I'm running Ubuntu, are there any developer repositories (wishful thinking I guess) that I can use?
I would be very happy if you have any pointers for me. What I'm ultimately after is the effect you get when you win solitaire that is bundled with windows. Here is an example: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d5/Winning_Solitare.PNG/300px-Winning_Solitare.PNG
What I have found so far either distorts the object or rotates it. This is not what I'm after. I want copies of the object along a path with no rotation. I saw that you can alter the orient setting on a marker so I think I can achive what I'm after there.
Thank you for your patience with an Inkscape newbie!
Magnus Andesson
How do I create my own markers?
Re: How do I create my own markers?
Magnus wrote:I would be very happy if you have any pointers for me. What I'm ultimately after is the effect you get when you win solitaire that is bundled with windows. Here is an example: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d5/Winning_Solitare.PNG/300px-Winning_Solitare.PNG
What I have found so far either distorts the object or rotates it. This is not what I'm after. I want copies of the object along a path with no rotation. I saw that you can alter the orient setting on a marker so I think I can achive what I'm after there.
With pattern along a path. See this little tuto : http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-patternalongpath.png to learn this effect. Test with Repeated and Snake.
I'm not very good in english then i hope other people can explain you better.
french community http://www.inkscape-fr.org
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:37 am
Re: How do I create my own markers?
You may be able to do it with tile clones if you play around a bit.