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Hi there

Postby ofnuts » Mon May 07, 2012 7:14 am


After a couple of years becoming proficient with Gimp, I found one of its features I use the most is the vector editor (I even wrote several scripts to do fancy stuff with paths), and so I eventually found my way to Inkscape, and since participating in forums has always been the best way to learn things for me, here I am.

Ah, being a noob again. Makes me feel younger :)

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Re: Hi there

Postby brynn » Mon May 07, 2012 3:46 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Yes, the younger we are, the faster we wish time would go, and the older we are the more we wish it would slow down, lol. I think creativity is healing, and that learning keeps us young at heart :D

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