Selecting lines from imported .pdfs

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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:12 am

Selecting lines from imported .pdfs

Postby Lila10310 » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:22 am

Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to Inkscape but I think I've mastered the very basics.

I use it in order to prepare my scientific graphs for presentations. In the past I have been able to select the entire red part of the entire green part in that picture. [img ] Now, for some reason I have spent 4 hours trying to figure out, I can't select the wholet thing. I only get miniscule parts of the line.

I've tried starting from the original pdf. I've tried saving as .svg and reopening.

Please can anybody help? I have a poster due this Monday that I have to get done.

Thank you!!

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Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:38 am

Re: Selecting lines from imported .pdfs

Postby Lazur » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:41 pm

Hi there!

I assume those lines are in a vector format.
With pdf-s there are usually comes unnecessary grouping, clipping, using parts as fills and such.
It's hard to tell from that png, what is going on in the pdf.

If all things are separated well on those line parts -like no clipping of them and such,
if you select them all, simply press Ctrl+K.
That would result in a compound path.
If you want to add a fill to that path, then you should connect all the unconnected nodes and close the path.

I can't help you more, as you didn't mention what you want to achieve.

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