Howdy Folks! Welcome to the first in a series of vector art optimization challenges.These challenges are presented as bite-size exercises for community members to tackle. My hope is that we'll learn from each other in the process. All are encouraged to participate regardless of skill level.
Challenge Format
The format of this challenge is as follows:
A vector graphic is provided along with a value denoting the number points that make up the image. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to optimize the graphic so as to reduce the number of points used (nodes and handles) while retaining image fidelity. You are free to use any techniques at your disposal but be aware of the following:
Guide lines
- Submissions MUST be all-vector, no raster graphics should be used
- Handle co-ordinates count as points
- Nodes that make up clip paths and masks are counted as points
- Gradient nodes also counted as points(each "stop" on the gradient path counts as a point)
- ...we'll come up with more as we go along
And so without further ado....
Lets kick this off with an isometric tile, courtesy of's open-source asset collection as seen below:
[Right-Click to save]
This image is comprised of 56 points. Can you do better?