Tablet Icon for a Logo

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Tablet Icon for a Logo

Postby mikethedj4 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:24 pm

I made this logo for an application I'm developing. - ... -417281618

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Re: Tablet Icon for a Logo

Postby Johannski » Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:14 pm

Hey Mike, welcome to the forum!

Really neat design, I like it a lot. The colors are fitting well together and the graphic has a clean and professional touch. Still, I think there is a lot of space for improvement:

- The tablet in the icon looks like a graphic tablet, not like an iPad or android tablet. Probably you wanted that, but I can't see the connection between a graphic tablet and your Web App.
- The brush on the right side of the tablet is hardly visible.... anyways, why is there a brush?
- The border of the icon hasn't received a lot of love, think about making maybe a round icon, or one with rounded corners, or at least a border line.
- In the end, when I look at the icon, I can't tell at all for what your app is. I would guess for configuring a graphic tablet.

Still, good start.

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