Hi everybody. This is the first time I post, I hope it's the right place to do it. First of all, thanks a lot to all the developer for this wonderfoul piece of work (really, I was a Corel Draw user, and now I'm on Linux I don't miss it at all). I'm following that project since release 0.41, and the amount way it's growing is amazing. Now I'm writting to tell you some things I've notice with the lasts releases:
First of all, every time I compile it (I don't know when did it start, somewhere after 0.45.1, It happend with svn, and the latest releases 0.46preX) I have to edit src/seltrans.h and replace "SigC::Connection" by "sigc::connection". If I do that, it compiles without any other problem. Can it be some issue with my intalled version(s) of SigC? A bad installation (I use Slackware, but do it manually always from the source for the libs), mixed versions, or something with the configure script?... I don't know, and a quick google search didn't tell me too much about it.
Another issue when installing it on a Windows machine. May be you already know that, If you have a older version, it ask to uninstall it, but it doesn't delete all the files, so you have go to inkscape folder and delete the rest of the manually in order to proceed with the instalation.
Another trouble I have is that I can't change the font using the combo in the toolbar. When I click on an item, nothing happens; the ittem get selected, but the combo list doesn't close and the font doesn't change. But it do change if go to "Text an Font..." on "Text" menu. I'm on Slackware 12+kde3.5+compiz-fusion 0.6 (in case it's something related to the desktop or windows manager), but it also happens with kwin. I couldn't test it in Windows yet.
At this moment I'm compiling 0.46pre1, I'll
And finally, a little suggestion. I would be nice to have a quick and friendly way to set te origin of the grid (like dragging from the corner where the two rules met, like it's in other softwares).
Thanks a lot in advance, and keep working like this.
Some feedback about 0.46pre1
Re: Some feedback about 0.46pre1
sigc compile trouble: already fixed in svn
text selection trouble: known bug, will be fixed before 0.46
thanks for the feedback
text selection trouble: known bug, will be fixed before 0.46
thanks for the feedback