Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

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Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

Postby omaffud » Fri May 24, 2019 12:50 am

I have a drawing with some text boxes on it. When I select ALL, Copy in Inkscape and try to Paste as a vector in Excel the text is not showing up. So, I did a test and selected only the text, and it paste like a blank image. If I paste as a picture it shows everything. Does anybody knows what is happening?

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Re: Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

Postby brynn » Fri May 24, 2019 12:00 pm

If you dragged out a text box with the Text tool and typed in the box, you created Flowed Text. Flowed text can only be seen in Inkscape.

Instead, you should click once on the canvas and start typing, to create regular text.

Or you can convert the flowed text to regular text. Text menu > Convert to Text. You might have to re-align the text after you do that. You can use the Selection tool to drag it around, or the Text tool, if you need to insert paragraph or new lines or something like that. It's hard to say exactly what you might need to do, without the SVG file.

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Re: Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

Postby Moini » Fri May 24, 2019 10:50 pm

If all you want is to copy the text, I'd click into the text, then do Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C, then paste into Word.

Else, export to emf, and import that into Word.
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Re: Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

Postby roneidaselva » Sat May 25, 2019 9:03 pm

I m also facing the same problem.

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Re: Copy and Paste from Inkscape to Powerpoint

Postby brynn » Sun May 26, 2019 12:18 pm

Did you try either solution?

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