Help with drawing stalling out

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Help with drawing stalling out

Postby shobud7 » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:24 pm

Ok...SO i freaking love Inkscape, I have been using it for years!! Windows, Mac, and all is been great!!!
Until the other day, after spending about 10 hours on a line drawing, it has stalled out. Everytime I move a node, or zoom, close file, import,...basically anything, its reaction time is like 30 seconds later. BUT only on this drawing!! When I start a new drawing everything is fine and runs greg, as well as older drawings. But im stuck and need to modify this problematic drawing. Ive searched the forums and settings up in the "filters" area, but i am failin g.
ANy ideas of how I can remedy this single drawing with out having to redo it?
Thanks much!

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby brynn » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:22 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

It sounds like the size of the image is challenging your system's RAM. Just for a ballpark comparison, a 1 mb image could challenge a system with 2 gb RAM. There are a few ways to work around this issue, which are explained in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12160

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby shobud7 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:12 am

Thanks for the welcome!!!! And pointer.

Ok, to trouble shoot, I have saved my drawing, opened a new empty page and then imported my " slow" drawing THEN deleted the whole drawing and the start fresh, but it still reacts super slow and unresponsive. BUT when i dont import that partucular drawing everything works just fine, its like this drawing is coorupted???? My other super large ( ram) drawings react fine and normal.

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby shobud7 » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:19 am

Ok, I may have found the problem. My drawing is 37 MB large!!! I am not sure how that happened and now cant figure out how to resize it. IT is to scale, and not necisarily "large" but the "information" is way to large. How to resize, but keep it to scale? Any ideas?

Thanks much!

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby brynn » Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:24 am

Oh, I thought you meant an SVG file. But if you're importing it, it must not be SVG. Are you importing a raster image, and then drawing on top of it? I'm a little confused with importing the drawing, then deleting the drawing.

If you're importing a raster image, and then embedding it, that can dramatically increase the file size. However, you may not have a choice about it. If you link the image, then later move the raster image to a new folder or different computer, or you take the file to another computer, the linked image will no longer be showing up in the file.

In your first message, you mentioned something about filters that I didn't really understand. And now I'm confused about what's being imported and what's being drawn. We could look at the file(s), potentially, to find the problem....but I'm not sure what to ask for... Maybe a little clarity would help?

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby Liz6781 » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:03 am

Hey guys,

I have basically the same problem here as well.. After checking there, i see my image size is almost 30MB in size too, God knows how since i am fairly new to it, but i was just wondering if there would be any way to further compress the image size without reducing its quality, since this is really starting to slow things up for me now :-/

Thanks :)
Last edited by Liz6781 on Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby Lazur » Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:46 pm

Welcome aboard!

If there were many unused gradients or fills in your document, it can heavily increase the filesize.
There is a "clean up document" option in the file menu, that can get rid of the unused ones, so click on it first.

Other thing that can cause huge files, is the high number of nodes.
If you used auto-tracing on a photograph, you may simplify the resulted paths. That can divide the numbers of them by about ten time.

If you have imported raster images, don't embed them if it's not really necessary.

There are some possibilities to set with the saving
-if you save as plain svg, then it will result in a smaller file, which doesn't contain like the zoom level how it was saved.

You can set the indents, spaces inline at the preferencies panel -Shift+Ctrl+P- for the svg output, which may decrease the file sizes a bit.

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby shawnhcorey » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:20 pm

Lazur URH wrote:Welcome aboard!

If there were many unused gradients or fills in your document, it can heavily increase the filesize.
There is a "clean up document" option in the file menu, that can get rid of the unused ones, so click on it first.

Actually, it's: File -> Vacuum Defs, which will remove unused definitions.

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby Lazur » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:32 pm

Thank's for the correction, I wasn't sure of the english version.
Thus opened a dev build, which has that option called clean up document.

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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby druban » Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:32 am

Just a bit of info from personal experience - it would take a very large number of gradients and fill definitions to increase file size to these proportions, so while it's certainly good to do some cleaning, IMO this is not going to help your performance. The same for the embed versus link - this will make your file size smaller, but it's really an artificial economy - if it is storage space you are trying to save, this only helps if the same image is used in several files. Otherwise the total space, SVG plus linked bitmap, is pretty much going to be the same as SVG with embedded bitmap. Meanwhile the performance when the file is loaded is going to be identical.

The slowing to a crawl/ large filesize issue can often be linked to a combination of low RAM and the use of blurs and other filters on large vector objects, which without the filter take up very little CPU and memory. To see if this is the case, try switching your view to outline or no filters. If there is not a noticeable improvement (give Inkscape a few operations' time to 'organize' the lighter load) then you are probably looking at an excess of geometry (nodes/objects), but it's unlikely this could happen without you being aware of it.
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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby Lazur » Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:27 am

That unused defs part was my experience.

In the devbuild that issue got better, but in the current stabile version it was the main reason for crashing to me.
Attached is an example of it:
Drew a rectangle-path, then cloned it.
After, added a gradient fill to the parent, and edited the steps by the node editor.
You can check how many unused gradients it created.

I remember of someone's post who got such a big file he couldn't handle anymore, and it had an enermous number of gradients.
I didn't realise there was a vacuum option for those then, maybe it could have helped.
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Re: Help with drawing stalling out

Postby BetaTestingPro » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:06 pm

While I believe Vacuum defs does make a bit of a difference, I'm willing to bet that filters are what's causing the massive file size of 20MB - 30MB documents. I frequently have this problem myself when using filters and blurs (which blurs itself is a filter in the end) and in all cases I'm able to to rectify the situation by using Multiple Layers and even Multiple Sub-Layers and even Multiple Sub-Layers of Sub-Layers. I personally believe that the Layer functionality of Inkscape is massively overlooked. Rarely do I find an SVG file with Multiple Layers.

Anyway, my point is all that is needed is to put the objects with filters/blurs into Layers/Sub-Layers and hide them when they aren't needed. It is extremely useful to use Multiple Layers specifically for hiding elements that cause your PC/Laptop to crawl. This works for embedded graphics as well. But that's not the only good reason to use Multiple Layers and Sub-Layers. It's also a great way to organize your work. Rather than trying to break it down and explain what I'm talking about here, take a look at this shotgun I made purely in Inkscape:

First, the .png version:


And now for the SVG Version:

SVG Image

You can download the SVG and take a look at the Multiple Layers and Sub-Layers at:

Right Click and Save As...

Hope this helps to explain what I'm talking about. :)

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