Hello and greetings from Indonesia.

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Location: Djokdja, INDONESIA

Hello and greetings from Indonesia.

Postby Zaladine » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:40 am

Hi everyone. How do you do?

I'm 39 Indonesian and have been interested in computer graphic for quite a while. I have about few months experience with CorelDraw X3 and plan to do a bit more serious taking on digital illustration.
A friend told me about Inkscape that in ways is much better than those commercial ones of which landed me here that i must say i'm very excited that i did. I hope to be more productive with Inkscape!

So, hope to have exciting experience with Inkscape and for being here in this forum, and pardon in advance for my poor English.

Thank you and Sincerely !.

PS: Since i've used CorelDraw X3 quite a lot before, please apology and understand if my future questions or discussions i will mention or take comparison for inkscape's features with CorelDraw's.
Not to disregard anything but it will be more like: "In CorelDraw i do this and this to achieve this result. So, how i have to do the same in Inkscape?"

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Re: Hello and greetings from Indonesia.

Postby brynn » Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:28 pm

I hope you like Inkscape.

If you phrase your questions "In CorelDraw i do this and this to achieve this result. So, how i have to do the same in Inkscape?" That limits the number of people who might be able to answer to only people who have ever used CorelDraw...and to those who have ever used whatever tool or process you describe. That may be very few. (I've never used CorelDraw.)

Instead, if you just explain what you want to do, then any of us can answer you. Or if you have or can find an example that you can show us - that works as well :D

See my signature for links to manual, guides, tutorials, etc.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:18 am
Location: Djokdja, INDONESIA

Re: Hello and greetings from Indonesia.

Postby Zaladine » Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:17 pm

Hello there... Nice to know you and thank you for replying...

brynn wrote:I hope you like Inkscape.

I do already!.. I've been exploring it to familiarize the 'feel' of using it, and found that this app is powerful... I'm gonna like it more for sure.

brynn wrote:If you phrase your questions "In CorelDraw i do this and this to achieve this result. So, how i have to do the same in Inkscape?" That limits the number of people who might be able to answer to only people who have ever used CorelDraw...and to those who have ever used whatever tool or process you describe. That may be very few. (I've never used CorelDraw.)

Instead, if you just explain what you want to do, then any of us can answer you. Or if you have or can find an example that you can show us - that works as well

Noted. Thanks for the advice that will surely benefits me.

brynn wrote:See my signature for links to manual, guides, tutorials, etc.

Going there now. Thanks for pointing them for me.


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