gradient import/export

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gradient import/export

Postby mastupristi » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:01 pm


I have a grandient in an SVG file. I need to "copy" this gradient into some other SVGs. This gradient is quite complex with many stops, so it is not feasible to copy the gradient stop by stop in every destination SVG.
Is possible to copy/paste, or export/import the gradient from an SVG to another?

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Re: gradient import/export

Postby Lazur » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:38 pm


Once copied the object with the gradient, you can paste in its attribute to any selected object by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V.
Can work between different drawings too, if your os don't mess up the pasteboard data -mac has some tracked issues with different themes and settings-.

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Re: gradient import/export

Postby flamingolady » Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:24 pm

A quick work around that I sometimes do is to copy the object that has the gradient in it, then paste it into the new file, usually on a new layer, then save that file. You can then select it from the gradient dropdown menu (as you would select a color). Once you're sure that the gradient is really there, then just delete the original object. If it's something that I know I want to use alot, I've actually created a file called gradients, and save it as an object there, sometimes just apply the gradient to a rectangle or circle, something simple that is easily copied and pasted when I want to re-use it.

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Re: gradient import/export

Postby brynn » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:45 pm

Off topic:
Deeeeeeee!! Is it really you??

Welcome back :D

I was just thinking of you, when trying to help in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19334

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