A4 landscape - portrait mode?

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A4 landscape - portrait mode?

Postby colorizing » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:40 pm


I have a robot arm printer (or what its called), it only print landscape mode. But If I want to do some things in portrait mode, is it possible to do a page in landscape mode and flip it temporary so Its easier to work with? Or make some art in portrait and flip it to landscape mode?

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Re: A4 landscape - portrait mode?

Postby Moini » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:52 am

You could just take all the page contents and rotate it by 90°. The next major Inkscape version will support rotating the page (just for displaying).
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Re: A4 landscape - portrait mode?

Postby brynn » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:18 am

You can set up each Inkscape document like you want it. File menu > Document Properties > Page tab, and about the middle of that page is where you can switch between landscape and portrait mode.

You can even switch the same document back and forth, if you want. You could draw the whole thing in portrait mode, and switch to landscape when you're finished.

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Re: A4 landscape - portrait mode?

Postby Lazur » Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:33 am

Moini wrote:The next major Inkscape version will support rotating the page (just for displaying).

Which is a strikingly unexpected feature of a development build.
Usual workflow makes your left hand lay on the Ctrl button. Ctrl+drag with mouse? Bang, your view is rotated.

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