Sharp Points

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Sharp Points

Postby Cryptman » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:56 am

Any tips on getting consistent sharp points on objects? I have attached an example where I was able to get some points sharp, but others are very rounded. Almost seemed like luck that some points are sharp.


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Re: Sharp Points

Postby jkuhl » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:45 am

One thing you can do is the stroke to path (S2P) function.

First, make a duplicate of your object as the S2P function will remove the fill. Leave it on top of the original object. Remove the stroke of the original object. Take your new stroke and use the node edit tool to make the tips sharper.

Alright, the forum server crapped out on me for about an hour.

There's an alternative if you don't want to deal with all the little nodes as much. Take your object, remove the stroke. Duplicate the object and move the duplicate underneath the original. Make the duplicate the color of your stroke. Scale the duplicate with either the :tool_selector: Select tool or move the nodes out so it makes an outline.

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Re: Sharp Points

Postby RobA » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:56 am

Cryptman wrote:Any tips on getting consistent sharp points on objects? I have attached an example where I was able to get some points sharp, but others are very rounded. Almost seemed like luck that some points are sharp.


Not sure about the rounded ones, but sharp points will be cut off based on the Miter Limit parameter of the stroke style panel.

-Rob A>

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Re: Sharp Points

Postby brynn » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:10 pm

Yes, good call -Rob A>!
The miter limit setting is a good way to approach this problem from sort of a global perspective. I wanted to address the problem via node editing. And depending on how you're creating the objects, and on your personal preference, this might not be the best solution.

Almost seemed like luck that some points are sharp.

Yes, if the objects have been created using Stroke to Path, or the Paint Bucket tool, or maybe even Trace Bitmap, you will often find that what was a sharp point before, now is tightly rounded, perhaps even showing 3 or more nodes at what was previously a sharp point. Then other times, they will stay sharp!

So to fix it, using the Node tool, and no doubt some zooming, you could delete all but one node, making sure the one node is corner or cusp node (diamond-shaped node). Then if the handles are not already displayed, display them (button on tool control bar), and you can adjust the point to your needs.

Although again, if node editing is not "your cup of tea", RobA's is probably the best solution (compared to mine) :D

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