Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

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Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

Postby gerardlr » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:08 pm

Hi, I'm a very unsophisticated user. Basic. So bear with me.

I've designed a simple logo. Exported it as .png - 300dpi, size of 1.5cm x 4cm. Inserted as a picture in MS Word it displays 100% even when zoomed in to 500%. When the MS Word doc is generated as a PDF however the image is badly pixelated.

Why? What do I do about it?

I've searched the forums for other answers but nothing seems applicable.


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Re: Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

Postby hulf2012 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:28 am

As you tell the story, the problem is in Word side, not Inkscape side...
- There must be a configuration tool in Word for exporting to PDF... try first there
- Try using Open Office
- mmm ... lets back to Inkscape... export your image at ... 72dpi?? or 90 dpi?? at the exact size in pixels (or mm, or inches); after importing in word, don't scale and don't crop. Just use it at that size
- Use a virtual pdf printer Like PDFcreator to "print to pdf file"
- Try another pdf viewer (e.g.;Foxit reader). The viewers also have preferences for showing the pdfs
If you have problems:
1.- Post a sample (or samples) of your file please.
2.- Please check here:
3.- If you manage to solve your problem, please post here your solution.

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Re: Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

Postby Janne » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:03 am

I have tried to create something with the measures in cm's that were mentioned above and it pixelated both in Open Office and in the PDF reader.
Then I blew up the image size in Inkscape ( 5 times as large ) - saved as PNG 300 Dpi - scaled the picture down in Open Office ( no pixelation ) and exported to PDF with no pixelation.

I don't know if this will help but I just thought of the fact that you'll always be able to scale down a bitmap - never up. :)

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Re: Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

Postby gerardlr » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:12 pm

Thanks for your input! Here's what I found:

I was using a PDF printer software tool to generate the PDF from the MS Word document. Two different ones, both produced pixelated images in PDF.

I uploaded the docx to an online PDF conversion service and saw improvement.

I used MS Word's built in (extension I think) PDF "save as" facility and the problem is basically solved. (Had never used this before.)

Your ideas made me think, experiment. Thank you.

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Re: Image Perfect in MS Word, Pixelated in PDF. Why?

Postby Lazur » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:35 pm

Just a theoretic question then, have you tried to make a wmf of your logo?
Then it could be presented as a vector clipart in your word document.
Pdf printers make raster copies, so probably it cannot solve the problem entirely either.

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