Web application project

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Web application project

Postby tof225391 » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:06 pm

I'm french (sorry for my poor english ...)

I would like to create a electrical web application (HTML5 maybe).
I want to include all my Inkscape symbôle
(see this link : http://eleec.tk/bacproeleec/seconde/sym ... tiaire.pdf page 13 )

I wish that all symbol can be Dynamic (we can move them) and connect them by :tool_pen:

Is there someone for help me ?

Thx a lot

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Re: Web application project

Postby prkos » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:16 am

When you say symbols do you mean objects drawn in Inkscape, or do you want to create labels for those objects and use connectors to connect objects with those labels?

Do you also want those objects to be SVG and not PNG inside a web page? You can use Javascript to manipulate the SVG objects.
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Re: Web application project

Postby tof225391 » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:23 am

thank u for your help.

This is my Inkscape bibliothèque :
http://eleec.tk/bacproeleec/seconde/201 ... mplet3.png
I created a symbole page, but i can create a page for each.

I don't know anything in java, html5 or other langage (i can understand them but not create ...)
have you a code to use them. (i want them dynamic)

thank you for your help

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Re: Web application project

Postby prkos » Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:08 am

I don't think you can create such an application without some technical knowledge.

You can create those drawings in Inkscape for each house automation case you need. You already have the parts created in one page, so you can use that page as a library of symbols. When creating a new house automation plan you just copy all the necessary objects from the library into that file. You can turn on Grid so you can easily create the wires that connect various objects in your drawing.

But if you need an application that will do something more than just create a drawing, for example if you need to create a simulation of the device you'll need someone to build it for you. If you only need a way to make the wires "follow" the objects as you move them you can use Connector tool in Inkscape, and for some more advanced behavior try to find a Javascript based SVG editor, maybe this one http://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/
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Re: Web application project

Postby tof225391 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:40 am

I find someone who helped me.
For the moment : http://eleec.legtux.org/logiciel/
I can move object.

I have to make more :D

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