When working with Inkscape I tend to save often my progress to new file, so that I could revert my changes easly if something goes wrong. Unfortunently I end up with directory full of files which look like this: project1.svg, project2.svg, project3.svg, project4.svg ... project32.svg
Is there any better way to keep tarck of my changes done to the file? Will software such as svn, cvs or bazaar be useful in this case? Those seem to be aimed for programmers, does it make sense to use them for managing SVG files? Is there any version control program specialised in graphics files? Something like Picassa or F-spot but without unnecessary features.
Which version control software for managing SVG files?
Re: Which version control software for managing SVG files?
I'm pretty sure SVN won't create a new version every save. It only creates a new version when you check the file into the SVN server. I suspect running a server and manually checking in changes to maintain versions is perhaps overkill (it would be just as easy to manually copy the file).
I wouldn't recommend you go out and buy Windows Vista just to solve your problem, but if you're already using it then you may find that it is already preserving versions (right-click on the file and select "Restore previous versions"). I'm not sure if you can get this same function in other OSes.
I wouldn't recommend you go out and buy Windows Vista just to solve your problem, but if you're already using it then you may find that it is already preserving versions (right-click on the file and select "Restore previous versions"). I'm not sure if you can get this same function in other OSes.
Re: Which version control software for managing SVG files?
Inkscaper_, yes, I think a version control like svn/cvs etc would serve your purpose. After all, svg files are just XML files. Since XML files are text files, they are perfect for being stored in a version control system. Besides the obvious advantages of helping one to track file modification history, version control systems probably also save space, since most (if not, all ... I'm not sure) of them store only the difference between subsequent revisions. SVN is very easy to use, especially with the TortoiseSVN plugin. You can also consider Perforce, which is lightning fast and whose server license is free for up to 2 users.