Print specific area of a big document

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Print specific area of a big document

Postby VladKor » Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:31 pm

Hello everyone!
I have pretty big and complex document with numbers of layers. I want to print different areas of the document depending of my needs and have this area to fit the page (A4 for example).
The point is not to move and scale my drawing to adjust it to printable area, but vice versa, to adjust printable area (A3, A4, ... ) to the part of the document I need to print.

Will very much appreciate help.

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Re: Print specific area of a big document

Postby Maestral » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:54 pm

Create a rectangle with a desired proportions (with stroke but no fill) and place it over the portion which you`d like to print / go for the Export bitmap, and select Selection as Export area (you`ll need to have this new rectangle selected)
:tool_zoom: <<< click! - but, those with a cheaper tickets should go this way >>> :!:

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Re: Print specific area of a big document

Postby VladKor » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:54 am

Works very well! Thanks!
Should be somewhere in tutorial.

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