Welcome aboard!
There are certain
snapping options.
However, keep in mind inkscape works with svg-s and has some limitations regarding the precision.
First of all, you can increase it in the prefs (Shift+Ctrl+P).
That means every value stored is a float with limited number of digits.
Theoretically the workspace can be 999,999 m / 999,999 m, large,
but there is a
ghosting issue when you exceed a
certain area.
That means you may not draw everything in 1:1 scale.
Theoretically you can set the default document units in the document's properties (Shift+Ctrl+D) to real world units,
but as far as I know
up to 0.91 inkscape works px based and a viewbox attribute is added to the whole document to scale everything to the set size.
There seems to be some improvement in 0.92, but cannot really tell what's in behind.
(Only know for sure the 90 dpi resolution was changed to 96 dpi.)
Theoretically each value is stored "precisely",
however if you open the document in the xml editor/with a notepad you will see weird values of 0,000006 etc. There
must be some rounding errors.
Does this really affect the performance?
Not much, the interface only accepts two or three digits depending on the boxes.
Now, focusing more on the harder part.
Inkscape works svg based and the basic of these graphics are Bézier paths.
They by definition cannot resemble a circle precisely.
Although circular arcs are part of the svg specs, they are not implemented in 0.91, not sure if 0.92 is improved.
Now they may render right but not sure if there is a gui for editing arcs.
That means you will need to deal with some inaccuracy.
Real question is, is it a problem at all? Can Béziers be used for constructing?
By experience for comparing, constructed
this image by intersections and the error added up was only about 0,005% in a total.
But it all depends on how you construct your image. Some methods may be more precise than others.
Like for constructing a tangent in midpoint of a line segment you can avoid drawing any circles.