First of all let me say hello
I know that questions about automating different processes in Inkscape are probably as old as this forum, but will try it any way as I'm in a bit of a (time related) pickle.
I have large number of PDFs (exported from AutoCAD) with floor layouts which I need to process as follows:
1. Import to new/existing layer in Inkscape - matching names of PDF and layer to simplify the process
2. Resize - 1000px height, width proportional
3. Place in centre - horizontally and vertically
4. Export along with 1 or 2 different layers (already created) to *.png - FHD, 96DPI
The rest of customisation I will probably be able to figure out by myself, but beginning is always the hardest.
Doing it once I could probably manage by simple clicking - but original CAD files change once a week and I have to do it again, and again. So I will be really grateful for any suggestions how to simplify this Sisyphean labour.
With best regards