
Author Topic: Problem path, with original source file attached.  (Read 949 times)

December 02, 2017, 02:55:46 PM
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In, brynn noted that a path in the attachment wasn't behaving correctly when duplicated.

The file attached here is the original source of the path.
(The file was created by a pro designer as a favour to a friend, so we no longer have access to this designer.)

What we're wanting to do:
  • Duplicate path4515 (the green swoosh) that's in g4513. Remove duplicate's fill and give it a stroke.
  • Outset the duplicate.
  • Create a text object of a few words. (Point size 16 or so suggested.)
  • Put the text on the top of the outset path, beginning at the upper left corner of the path.
In the original topic, it was noted that a duplicate of the duplicate works as expected.

So is the issue what is wrong with path4515 such that when it's duplicated, the duplicate is somehow corrupted?

If I can help, please let me know.

Thanks for all you do!
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December 02, 2017, 04:41:49 PM
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Ok, I'm pretty sure I know what has happened.  It all boils down to that path being part of a group.  Technically, each path is in a Group of 1, which usually happens when there has been a file conversion, somewhere along the way (which you may or may not be aware of).

When I was working with your test file, where the groups had been eliminated (when you made the test file) duplicating the path solved the problem.  But you weren't working in the test file, you were still in the original file, where I had no idea there was a group.  You were probably duplicating the whole group, instead of just one path.  Or you might have duplicated the path, but later selected it as a group.

In any case, here's what you need to do, starting with the original file, or a backup, or some file which doesn't have a lot of trial and error.

1 -- Ctrl + A (select all)
2 -- Object menu > Ungroup (or there's a button on the command bar  :ung:, or there's a key shortcut)

Now you will be able to follow the instructions from the manual, and everything should work fine.

You might have some trouble with aligning the text to the place you want on the path.  For me, the text is going onto the path backwards.  I think you already learned that you can reverse the path to fix that?  Also, if you have trouble aligning the text to a particular part of the path, try un-centering it.  Only use center, if you actually want it centered ;)

Let us know how it goes  :)
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December 22, 2017, 11:05:59 AM
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I think this has completely solved my issues, brynn!
Starting with the original, I ungrouped and *then* copied the paths to a new file. All is good.
I'm very grateful for your sharing of your expertise and your patience!
All the best!
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December 22, 2017, 11:56:09 AM
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You're welcome.  I'm glad you eventually got a finished result  :)
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