Hello, I am having an issue where when I import an image, the image has a lower resolution / dimensions than the actual image:
Lets say the image is 656px width and 398px height. When i drag and drop it into Inkscape, I get the "png bitmap image import" prompt. For the 3 selections I have:
Image Import Type: Embed
Image DPI: Default import resolution
Image Rendering Mode: None
Now once the image is in Inkscape, it seems blurry, so I click on the image and see that the resolution / dimensions has been changed:
From 656px by 398px
To 615px by 373.125px
If I resize the image in Inkscape using the Transform (scale) tool, and resize it to the proper values, the image shows up clear, like it should.
So I'm wondering what setting is causing imported images to be reduced in resolution / dimensions.