Any chance you could make me a file with a halftone filter in it?
here is a sloppy as hell video:
Check the description for further details.
With all seriousness, why don't you use the template as it is? Was set up that way for a reason.
Already noted that the filter pulls in another object into the filter chain with the image filter primitive.
Such pulled in objects cannot be embedded right inside the filter chain. Even if it was possible theoretically -didn't dig into the svg specs but have doubts since why would they have the image filter primitive at first place then-, inkscape doesn't have a gui part you could "feed"-embed- objects inside.
It would be a nice feature though to have patterns and gradient fills accessible into a filter chain but that's not a feature either.
Also some scale factor indicators. And ways to break apart/stitch filtering chains. And to setup other vector options in the chain, so that trace bitmap could be used on one hatch filtered object for tracing layered hatching strokes.
The image filter primitive is the only way to achieve these.
Therefore if you managed to copy/paste the filter, you need to copy/paste the pulled in object with it OR pull in another object of choice.
That is selecting the object, and clicking the select svg element in the filter editor at the hatching filter's image filter primitive's settings.
If you do the latter, keep in mind the filter pulls in the object from the top left corner of the page (had commented that at Xav's related topic somewhere). So it needs to be placed at the top left corner of the page and needs to be larger than the object you want to filter.
Too bad it is now covering the page area right?
Well it's better to put it onto a hidden layer. Preferably locked and untouched. Like in a template file.