Author Topic: ver .91 fails to start  (Read 3203 times)

June 08, 2017, 01:45:59 AM
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I was using .92.1 but couldn't see handles when editing a dimple bezier path using node tool. Mark Saporito suggested reverting to ver .91, so I uninstalled ver .92 and ran the ver .91 64 bit .msi. It installed (after I took ownership of the program file for inkscape). But now the program doesn't start, giving me the ttachd error mesage.
(17.46 kB . 589x362)
(viewed 450 times)

BTW, repairing the program didn't help.
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Inkscape ver. 0.92.1
Gimp  ver. 2.8.22

June 08, 2017, 03:38:45 PM
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I'm not aware of any problem with handles visibility in 0.92.1.  Do you mean node handles or selection handles?   I know Nick is very knowledgeable about Inkscape, but I don't know how knowledgeable about bugs.  Did he give a reason?

What do you mean about taking ownership of the program?  I'm a long time Windows user but have never heard of that.  Do you mean "Run as Administrator"?  That shouldn't be necessary, but also should not cause any problems.

The best advice for this situation (program not starting) is to make a clean re-installation.  Do you already know what a clean install means?  Just in case:

Uninstall Inkscape.  After that, search Program Files or Program Files (x86), (whichever place you had it installed) for "inkscape" to find any bits that might be left over (usually just a couple of empty folders in the old directory but delete whatever the search finds) and delete them.  Restart your computer.

Go to the Inkscape website (or wherever you download programs) and download a fresh copy.  Double-check that you get the right version.  Install it normally.  Restart your computer again.


Let us know how it goes  :)
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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June 08, 2017, 06:55:20 PM
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I guess this is several questions due to my tendency to ramble. So in order they are:
1 I mean node handles. It turns out that I didn't have the box checked for "show handles" See attachment.Show handles.PNG
*Show handles.PNG
(20.57 kB . 361x261)
(viewed 367 times)
So that one is solved. In the meantime:
I used a .msi installer from the Inkscape site. as I run 64 bit and I wanted the program to match when I installed ver.91.
It wouldn't run due to the libinkscape_base.dll missing. So to solve that, I had to insert it into the program file folder. well, since I used a ,msi and not an .exe, the option to "run as administrator" is missing from the context menu. that means a user doesn't have permission to write into program files.
So in order to solve that, I installed "take ownership" into the registry.
P.S. Nick was not specific. I think he had some bugs before ver .92.1 came out. (I'm only guessing about that) He just said he recommended ver..91. which would have been fine except it wont run on my machine.
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Inkscape ver. 0.92.1
Gimp  ver. 2.8.22

June 09, 2017, 06:28:04 PM
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So you're not installing 0.91 because of the missing handles in 0.92.1?  You had some other reason?

Run as Administrator, and not being able to paste into or edit in the Program Files, are 2 different things.  However, you have to be the system admin to do either one.

Quote (selected)
as I run 64 bit and I wanted the program to match when I installed ver.91.

What do you mean by "match"?  You mean you just want the 64-bit version of Inkscape, because it will run more efficiently than the 32-bit version? 

Or are you trying to comply with that strange comment on the download page, about exe and msi not being compatible?  I don't know what that really means.  Because no version of Inkscape will update any other version.  And it can't be hinting that we can have more than one version of Inkscape installed (as long as they are all exe or all msi).  See more below.

If that's the reason you're trying to install 2 different versions using msi, I'll ask developers what that comment there really means (I'll ask on the mailing list).

So you intend to have both versions installed?  It's pretty much best practice advice, afaiu, not to have more than one copy of the same program installed at the same time.  (I used to think, until recently, it was ok, as long as they were different versions, but it turns out, that's not so.) (The Inkscape website actually used to say, specifically, that it was ok to have several versions installed at the same time, as long as they are in different folders.  But apparently it's not ok anymore.) 

So if you want to have more than one version of Inkscape in Windows, you can have one (exe or msi) installed.  (Not one of each, but one or the other.)  After that, you should use 7z packages (since technically it's not installed) to collect more Inkscape versions.

For all I know, it's having 2 msi packages of Inkscape installed, that's causing the problem?  (Or maybe you somehow downloaded the wrong thing?)  I can't explain the missing lib file.  It's also possible it's a new bug (although my search for a bug was not successful).  I think Moini knows a way to find errors using the terminal / commandline.  So that might be a way to find out if it's a new bug -- if she happens to be following this thread.  I don't know how to use the commandline.

I'm not familiar with msi, so I always use exe.  I have no idea what the difference is.  But I've heard of problems with installing the msi package several times.  And that sounds like a whole lot of trouble you had installing the msi version, to me.  I've never heard of any problem related to exe.

If you don't want to use the 7z package, and you still want to have both versions installed, I would still offer the same suggestion now, which is to make a clean re-install.  But instead of searching for leftover bits (after uninstalling) you should probably look manually in Program Files and delete the empty folders.  Because if you have another version installed, it would be found in the search, and you wouldn't want to delete any parts of it.

Quote (selected)
P.S. Nick was not specific. I think he had some bugs before ver .92.1 came out. (I'm only guessing about that) He just said he recommended ver..91. which would have been fine except it wont run on my machine.

I wouldn't revert or install a 2nd version, just because someone else mentioned some non-specific issues.  Think for yourself, man  :-D
If you have found some specific issue, which you know doesn't exist in a previous version, that's fine.  But for myself, I'm not a lemming (jumping off the cliff because everyone else is).  I'm a human who thinks for herself   :-D
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
  • Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit
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June 09, 2017, 09:19:18 PM
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I thought for myself that I want 64 bit version to match my 64 bit operating system.
in Windows 10 Pro 64 bit creator version, we are not given the option to "Run as administrator". the option when right clicking is only "Install".
So I thought for myself that since my latest version wasn't working, maybe that could be one of the problems Nick was referring to. So I thought for myself since the version .91 wont start because of missing libinkscape_base.dll, that I would have to put the file in my program data manually.
Users are not allowed to write in program files, and because the .msi only allows install, not run as admin, hence the need to take ownership of the program files for Inkscape in order to manually insert the missing .dll.

Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Inkscape ver. 0.92.1
Gimp  ver. 2.8.22