Author Topic: Eraser Tool Turning Parts of Vector Image Black?  (Read 1080 times)

March 13, 2018, 11:14:51 AM
Read 1080 times


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Not sure if this is a bug or my cat walked across the keyboard and toggled something on... I converted an image to a vector using the trace bitmap feature. I was using the eraser tool to clean up a few specks here and there and it was doing just fine. I scrolled down to look at the original image for reference and when I scrolled back up the page to continue the cleanup the eraser tool is now filling in parts of the image with black. Not necessarily the part I'm working on either. If I erase outside the image in the white space it fills in the entire outline making a sihoutte  :-S any ideas?
  • Inkscape 0.92.2
  • Windows Vista service 64 Bit

March 13, 2018, 01:00:49 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

It's hard to say without being able to see it.  Would you please share your SVG file?

I would suggest not using the Eraser tool.  Even though it is part of Inkscape, and it is a vector tool....erasing is more of a raster concept and just is not capable of creating high quality vector graphics.  (Well, not unless you really know what you're doing.)  You will be better off with vector graphics in general, in the long run, to learn how to manipulate paths with the more traditional vector tools and techniques.

If you're using the Eraser tool multiple times, and without understanding how it works, as you've learned, you can easily get to place where the only way to fix it, is either to start all over, or undo back until you're in a better position.

Anyway, we can get a better idea what's happening if we can see the SVG file.  And once we see it, we can explain the more traditional techniques for what you want to accomplish.

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March 14, 2018, 11:08:10 AM
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Sure, here's the file.
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March 14, 2018, 01:47:15 PM
Reply #3


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Actually I figured it out. There's a toggle up here for "Break apart cut items" that somehow got switched on. It's working fine now that I switched that off.
  • Inkscape 0.92.2
  • Windows Vista service 64 Bit