We can't tell much from the PNG. Are you able to share the SVG file?
What is your operating system?
Unless we find something in the SVG file, I think the problem might be sort of an optical illusion. I can see it just by looking at the small version of the PNG which you attached. Comparing the top of the earth to the bottom, the bottom looks sharper, and the top looks a little fuzzy. I think it's because of the angle at which the needle tapers, and how thin it is when it crosses the border of the water/blue color. Also the blue color itself is not as much contrasting to white, as the green is.
I think our eyes are trying to see that very thin line of the needle, and it makes that area seem blurry. Oh hey, here's a test. If you take the needle away (or put it on a hidden layer) how does the top of the earth look then?
I notice that part of the left side of the earth has a green sort of like stroke, but not really a stroke. Probably you did some kind of path operation, or for some reason, the green extends around a lot of the water there. I wonder if putting a dark or green stroke around the whole earth might help? Or maybe if you could extend Greenland up to the top, so there's no water between Greenland and the the top of the earth, it might help.
I know, not geographically correct to change Greenland. I guess it depends on the final size of the image. If it's going to be small like the PNG thumbnail, you'd probably not notice that it's not perfectly correct. But if it's going to be the full size of the image, yeah, that would be noticed.
Oh, I see where the green sort of stroke came from. It looks like the blue object is shifted to the right slightly, relative to the green land object. But still, maybe a darker stroke around the water might help. I don't really know, but easy enough to try it.
Other than that, I wonder how lifelike the needle really needs to be? Could it be thicker? What is the finished size of the image, where it will be used?