Author Topic: Adobe Draw (iPad) and Inkscape  (Read 2814 times)

October 20, 2016, 10:32:45 AM
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I am wondering if it's possible to send my Adobe Draw .ai files directly to inkscape instead of sending to Illustrator?

I like inkscape and also can't afford illustrator.

I've been searchhing for solutions but so far haven't really been able to find any info. If someone could help me out, that would be fantastic.



October 20, 2016, 12:17:10 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome aboard!

Illustrator ai format is not consistent, you have some options on the saving and old files may not contain the data you need but
most cases you can open ai files with inkscape.

Like, ai files can contain pdf data and vice-versa, so the hack is to rename the .ai to .pdf.

Very old files and specially saved ones wont have a pdf embedded though.