
Author Topic: Getting a grouped object to curve (path effect)  (Read 522 times)

May 15, 2019, 12:42:41 PM
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Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to get the curve path effect to work on a grouped object of mine but the image either doesn't do anything or (if I change the object to a path) it won't go beyond the original box that held the image.

The steps I do (which seem to work for a normal rectangle) are: 1. Click on object/grouped object 2. Go to Path Effect 3. Add Path Effect 4. Choose "Bend" 5. Click "Edit on Canvas" 6. Move the green line around causing the object to curve.

I posted a picture at the bottom with a control, when I treat the object as an object, and then when I treat it as a path. The control is doing what I want but, once again, it's just a simple rectangle.

What should I do? Thank you!
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May 15, 2019, 07:29:36 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

Hhmm....  Well, as you've learned, the Bend path effect won't work on a group.  It works for me whether the object is a rectangle (shape) or whether it's a path.  (Inkscape seems to convert the shape to path, when the path effect is added.)

I would need to see the SVG file, to try and figure out why your 3rd example seems to be kind of truncated.  I can't reproduce that.  But I notice in your 3rd example, the sides of the path are not straight.  They seem to be affected by something else, and seeing your SVG file will help to sort that out.  Maybe the problem is with the "something else"?  Like maybe there's another path effect applied to it, or who knows what it could be.  It's just a clue at this point.

I see that you reported your version as 0.92.  Does that mean you're using 0.92.0 ?  I'm using 0.92.3.  (I could test on 0.92.4, if it's needed.)  I'm only trying to nail down the version, in case we're looking at a new bug.
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May 17, 2019, 09:11:28 AM
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Thank you so much for the reply.

I think I'm using 0.92.4. Here is the SVG.
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May 18, 2019, 11:01:56 AM
Reply #3


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I've had a bunch of issues with the LPE and extensions lately, (and I'm not an expert in the use...).  Just a thought, have you tried using Put pattern on path vs Bend, where your design is the path, sometimes that works better. You might need to use the Extension vs LPE.  Also, I find that groups don't always work (well for me anyway).  Sometimes it helps if you' combine' the elements (be sure to make a duplicate before experimenting).

May 18, 2019, 08:59:39 PM
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Hhmm, I don't see any attempts at using the Bend LPE in the file.  So I can't troubleshoot it.  Although I do see the objects you must be trying to apply it to.  Some of then have been clipped, and clipping surely would be a possible explanation why the piece seems cut off.

So one possible solution would be to use Bend LPE on the base object.  Then convert it back to a path.  Then duplicate it 3 times, once to create the shadow and once to create the highlight, and once to create a new clipping path of the already curved object.  Then after making the edits for shadow and highlight, you can clip them as before.

Another possible solution would be what flamingolady suggested, and use Pattern Along Path.  Inkscape has both an extension and an LPE for PAP.  And fortunately, the extension allows groups!  I think the manual covers how to use the extension, or else I'd be glad to give you instructions.

Personally, to achieve your goal....  Here, I made a screenshot of your work and your comments, so other people might jump in with other ideas.

(23.99 kB . 607x487)
(viewed 204 times)

So I guess you want those pieces where I put the red arrows, to be sort of curled a little bit?  My own personal style would be to draw them that way, rather than use the LPE, or other trick.  I would use the Node tool and move the nodes and possibly node handles, to make the pieces curve on the base rectangle.  Then I would duplicate it a couple of time, like you did with the others -- making one a shadow and the other a highlight, and then clip them all.  But once you figure out using PAP extension, LPE or whatever, they would probably be faster.
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May 21, 2019, 12:21:43 PM
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Thank you so much for all the help.

I apologize that I misunderstood what you wanted with the document. I specifically went through it and deleted everything I did thinking it was just going to get in your way. As I type this I realize how dumb that was, haha.

Some of these techniques are new to me so I'm going to learn about them. I may have questions in the near future.

Thank you so much for the support. If I could gift you'll half the moon, I would.   
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May 21, 2019, 12:32:19 PM
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No worries.  And you're welcome.  We'll be here if you need us :)
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