
Author Topic: Too Many Heap Sessions Crash During Save - Reverted to weeks old version  (Read 1992 times)

March 10, 2017, 07:13:02 AM
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I'm using Inkscape .92 64bit with windows 8.1 and just now while trying to do a routine save (ctrl-s) I got the "too many heap sessions" error.  I assumed I'd lost whatever work I'd managed within the past few minutes (since previous autosave or regular save which I do often), but when I went to reopen the file I was surprised to see it had a current timestamp.  I opened it and it is a version from WEEKS ago.  I even have an autosave during a crash version from last week that is more current than this bizarre "new" version which seems to have overwritten the most recent save so I'm not sure where it is coming from. 
Has anyone experienced anything like this?  I've been using Inkscape for years and never had something so odd occur. 
Is there any way to try to recover more recent data?

March 10, 2017, 09:43:44 AM
Reply #1


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Had experienced too many heap section crash, with the garbage collector maxed out the cpu usage before.
Clean up document/vacuum defs can come handy avoiding crashes.

Not sure what can be recovered, as I never used auto-save out of lazyness.
If the file saved actually opens without problems, doubt you can recover missing data from it.

March 11, 2017, 12:42:01 PM
Reply #2


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Welcome to the forum!

Why were you surprised that a backup file that was just saved, has a current timestamp?  Or do you mean that a lot of time passed since the crash?

I had a similar experience where the backup file after a crash looked like an older file.  But after a lot of panic and investigation, I found it was the same file, but that the layer I had been working on had somehow been hidden.  And a layer I had worked on much earlier was visible.  When I reset all the layers' visibility, everything was ok.

I'm not sure what "too many heap sections" means.  I know in earlier versions of Inkscape, let's say pre 0.48, it was common to see that error message.  But since recent versions, I haven't seen it at all....except for once recently, when using the new Gradient Mesh tool, I got the heap sections error again.

I reported it on the mailing list, and I can't remember the specific answer.  But I can look it up later, and I'll post again.

Did you mean that you saw that error after you clicked Save?  I only remember seeing it during a crash.  I don't know if there's any significance to when the message appears.

I wonder if the backup file was saved somewhere that you wouldn't expect?  The only thing I can think of, is to try searching for the file.  Maybe it did get saved into a different folder, somehow?

I'll post again when I find out more about heap sessions.
  • Inkscape version 0.92.3
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