You should be able to delete your own messages (as far as I remember). But I'm glad you didn't, because I can give you some more tips.
It's NOT a good idea to make a clone of a clone of a clone, etc. Inkscape will eventually crash. The freezing that you're seeing at this point could be because of doing that. Of course with the size you want for the final image, it might crash anyway. But still, for making multiple clones, it's better to use Edit menu > Clones > Tiled Clones. That automatically make many clones from the same parent.
Although, if you use clones, you won't be able to color the individual hexagons differently.
Snapping takes a bit of practice to be able to use it more than it uses you, haha. But if you notice a particular behavior that you don't want, show us a screenshot of what happens, including how you have the snap control bar set. Or if you want a particular behavior, we can tell you how to configure it.