Author Topic: Change Letters in Logo From White to Transparent  (Read 649 times)

February 22, 2019, 03:03:52 PM
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I have a vector PDF file which I can edit in Inkscape. The file has multiple different layers, and the top layer is the font/wording which is colored white. My goal is to change this to become transparent, to make the letters "hollow" so if it were printed on a shirt, the shirts color would show through the letter.

What happens when I select and delete the color, it just shows the color of the layer that was behind it. Is there a way to "stamp through" all colors, so that letter/shape becomes transparent?

In the attached screenshot, I am trying to make the white letters "Red Hot Riplets Potato Chips" transparent, but when I delete them, it just shows the black shadow, or the yellow layer.

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February 23, 2019, 05:40:41 PM
Reply #1


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    • VektorRascheln
You need to use Boolean operations for this. Depending on the structure of the file, this will need some preparation.

The thing you're looking for is Path > Difference, but that only works with 2 objects, so if you have multiple layers of objects below, you would need to repeat that for each thing that is below the white text.

There is an extension that can greatly accelerate the process (, but it would be good if you first had an understanding of what the 'normal' way does and how it works.

Try and to learn more.

February 23, 2019, 06:50:33 PM
Reply #2


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Welcome to the forum!

I'd be glad to have a look at your PDF file, and explain what you need to do.  Although it certainly can't hurt to learn on your own, if you prefer :)
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