I've been having issues getting objects/paths to hold position (as when viewed in inkscape) when viewed in browser. As seen in the attached mockup sample images the triangle is correctly positioned towards the bottom of the image when viewed in inkscape. When saved and viewed in the browser, it jumps to an entirely different position. I'm new to inkscape so there's something I'm not understanding and/or don't know for this issue to persist. I've literally spend the past two days this weekend working on solving this issue and have not been able to do so.
I've tried the following:
1. Converting objects to paths.
2. Using existing transform/translate in the XML viewer to position the object.
3. Using existing transform/matrix in the XML viewer to position the object.
4. Removing all transforms from the XML viewer.
5. Manually creating transformations in the XML viewer. (Both translate/matrix)
6. Grouping the paths
7. Combining paths
8. Unifying(Union) the paths
9. Grouping/ungrouping/regrouping the paths.
9. Creating a new layer, tracing the original, in an exact copy, then deleting the original.
10. Duplicating the layer and shifting them around the screen (they all snap to the same wrong position in browser)
11. Use the transform dialogue box to move things and applying it to each object separately.
12. Using a duplicate SVG file to import the objects/paths/layers again. (sometimes works???, sometimes just 'anchors it to a different position)
13. Googling transform position issues and reading different recommendations.
14. Using the paste in place command seems to shift it around but not make it stick where its supposed to be.
15. Various combinations of all of the above.
At this point, I've tried so many different things I can't keep track of them all. So there's something I'm not understanding or aware of. I don't know what to do, except start all over (again) and hope I don't repeat the same steps that cause this issue.
If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.