Hello again,
A .PDF from CorelDRAW imported into InkScape shows correct handles.
I have also been playing around with importing and exporting between CorelDRAW and InkScape some more:
1) Export from CorelDRAW to .SVG, opened in InkScape: The handles are exactly half the length they should be, so this is bugged.
2) Saving the same .SVG in InkScape and opening in CorelDRAW again: The handles are exactly as they were in InkScape, so this works.
3) Saving the same .SVG in CorelDRAW and opening in InkScape again: The handles are exactly as they were before., so this also works.
4) Saving the same .SVG in CorelDRAW as .CDR, opening this .CDR again and saving it as .SVG again and opening in InkScape again: The handles are exactly as they were before., so this also works.
5) Creating a new .CDR file in CorelDRAW. Exporting it from CorelDRAW to .SVG, opened in InkScape: The handles are correct, so this also works.
6) Opening the .SVG generated by CorelDRAW in step 1) again in CorelDRAW also shows faulty gradients.
Considering that he problem with the gradients only occurs at the -first- conversion when saving from a .CDR to an .SVG in CorelDRAW when opening the .SVG generated by CorelDRAW in InkScape and combining this with the above results that A) an .SVG file opened and saved again in CorelDRAW is -not- faulty and B) newly created files from .CDR work, the conclusion is that it is highly likely that the conversion from .CDR to .SVG is somehow
only bugged for .CDR files based on
older CorelDRAW version(s)!
Unfortunately the values to describe the fill in the .XML files are note simple to understand values, but floating point values, at a first glance unrecognizable as a percentage or ratio. So I'm not smart enough to prove my suspicion from looking at the files...
Now I intend to figure out if some double conversion or other trick in CorelDRAW will provide a means to circumvent the problems so I don't have to correct edit each file's gradients by hand