
Author Topic: I do not know the technical term of what i am looking for  (Read 1267 times)

December 09, 2017, 08:51:10 AM
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Hi there,
i try to refine a image wich i first drew and then scanned in. Whilst scanning the once ''all black'' ''single'' ''lines'' are now even less ''black'', ''single'' and ''lines''. They are dottet with withe point and not as straight and ''fine'' as i want them to be.
Sadly i do not know the right technical terms which would lead me to a toutorial or Guide. Would someone please help me there?
My goal here is to clean it up befor converting it to an .svg to get a least amount of vectors for the final drawing, to make further processing easier.

Thanks in foreward
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December 10, 2017, 08:07:02 AM
Reply #1


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Welcome Detzi!

I was going to suggest using Path menu > Trace Bitmap.  I thought it would be possible to adjust the Threshold for the Edge Detection option, and get a good result.  But I can't get anything that even approaches reasonable.

You might be able to adjust some options for the scanner, to get a better result.  But you'd want to be sure and revert the settings when you're done, or else it will affect everything you scan.

In this case, I would suggest manually tracing it, using the Pen/Bezier tool.  I wrote a tutorial which explains the basics.  (It's meant to help people who are planning to cut out their drawing with a digital cutter, but you can skip the part about making an outer border path....well, unless you're planning to cut it out.);sa=view;article=45

If you're planning to do a lot of this - converting your hand sketches to vector, you might want to consider getting a graphics tablet.  With such a device, you can draw the sketch directly into Inkscape (using a graphics pen, rather than mouse)!  (Graphics pen and tablet is not the same thing as and ipad kind of tablet.  Although it seem the line between is getting blurry, and maybe there are some hybrids that I've never heard of.  I don't exactly keep up with the market for these things.)
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December 11, 2017, 11:48:51 AM
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Hi brynn an thanks for answering,
yeah i also tried to play around with these options but with no visible improvement.

I found the ''bezier'' tool too but decided at first that it is a lot of effort and thougth there has to be a better way... the idea with the drawing pad is good, hadn't thought about that but i guess it will be a single task ;) 

So after having really no real alternative i am probably going with the Bezier tool. :pen:  Thanks for your input, i realy appreciate it!
 :ty1: :2tu:
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December 12, 2017, 02:47:38 PM
Reply #3


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Hi Detzi,

I'm the author of this extension :

I was pointed to your post and thought the extension might help you, although it is not designed to work with vectorized picture.
Playing a bit with your picture and the extension, I could achieve some possibly acceptable results.
Here's what I did
 - install the extension
 - vectorize the picture (brightness cutoff 0.45)
 - remove the fill color of resulting path
 - split resulting path (Path > Break Appart)
 - use the extension disabling the uniformization and segement extension option. Do that on each path.
Even with all that, I don't quarantee you'll get what you expect...
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